The present search focus on the mechanism of gravitationally influenced particle creation (PC) in higher dimensional Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker(FLRW) cosmological models with cosmological constant (CC). The solution of the corresponding field equations is obtained by assuming a periodically varying deceleration parameter (PVDP) i.e. q = m cos kt − 1 [Shen and Zhao, Chin. Phys. Lett., 31 (2014) 010401] which gives a scale factor a(t) = a0 tan kt 2 1 m , where a0 is the scale factor at the current epoch. Here k displays the PVDP periodicity and can be regarded as a parameter of cosmic frequency, m is an enhancement element that increases the PVDP peak. Here, we investigated periodic variation behavior of few quantities such as the deceleration parameter q, the energy density ρ, PC rate ψ, the entropy S, the CC Λ, Newton's gravitational constant G and discuss their physical significance. We have also explored the density parameter, proper distance, angular distance, luminosity distance, apparent magnitude, age of the universe, and the look-back time with redshift z and have observed the role of particle formation in-universe evolution in early and late times. The periodic nature of various physical parameters is also discussed which are supporting the recent observations.