We report a weak line at 3.52 AE 0.02 keV in x-ray spectra of the Andromeda galaxy and the Perseus galaxy cluster observed by the metal-oxide-silicon (MOS) and p-n (PN) CCD cameras of the XMMNewton telescope. This line is not known as an atomic line in the spectra of galaxies or clusters. It becomes stronger towards the centers of the objects; is stronger for Perseus than for M31; is absent in the spectrum of a deep "blank sky" data set. Although for each object it is hard to exclude that the feature is due to an instrumental effect or an atomic line, it is consistent with the behavior of a dark matter decay line. Future (non-)detections of this line in multiple objects may help to reveal its nature. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.251301 PACS numbers: 95.35.+d, 13.35.Hb, 14.60.St, 95.85.Nv The nature of dark matter (DM) is a question of crucial importance for both cosmology and for fundamental physics. As neutrinos-the only known particles that could be DM candidates-are too light to be consistent with various observations [1][2][3][4], it is widely anticipated that new particles should exist. Although many candidates have been put forward (see, e.g., Ref.[5]), little is known experimentally about the properties of DM particles: their masses, lifetimes, and interaction types remain largely unconstrained. A priori, a given DM candidate can possess a decay channel if its lifetime exceeds the age of the Universe. Therefore, the search for a DM decay signal provides an important test to constrain the properties of DM in a model-independent way. For fermionic particles, one should search above the Tremaine-Gunn limit [1] (≳300 eV). If the mass is below 2m e c 2 , such a fermion can decay to neutrinos and photons with energy E γ ¼ 1 2 m dm [6]. One can search for such particles in x rays [7,8] (see Ref.[9] for a review of previous searches). For each particular model, the particle's parameters are related by the requirement to provide the correct DM abundance. For example, for one very interesting DM candidate-the right-handed neutrino-this requirement restricts the mass range to 0.5-100 keV [9,10]. A large part of the available parameter space for sterile neutrinos is consistent with all astrophysical and cosmological bounds [11], and it is important to probe it further.The DM decay line is much narrower than the spectral resolution of the existing x-ray telescopes and, as previous searches have shown, should be rather weak. The x-ray spectra of astrophysical objects are crowded with weak atomic and instrumental lines, not all of which may be known. Therefore, even if the exposure of available observations continues to increase, it is hard to exclude an astrophysical or instrumental origin of any weak line found in the spectrum of an individual object. However, if the same feature is present in the spectra of many different objects, and its surface brightness and relative normalization between objects are consistent with the expected behavior of the DM signal, this can provide much more convincing evidence about it...