Most quantum gravity theories endow space-time with a discreet nature by space quantization on the order of Planck length (lp ). This discreetness could be demonstrated by confirmation of Lorentz invariance violations (LIV) manifested at length scales proportional to lp. In this paper, space-time line elements compatible with the uncertainty principle are calculated for a homogeneous, isotropic expanding Universe represented by the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker solution to General Relativity (FLRW or FRW metric). To achieve this, the covariant geometric uncertainty principle (GeUP) is applied as a constraint over geodesics in FRW geometries. A generic expression for the quadratic proper space-time line element is derived, proportional to Planck length-squared and dependent on two contributions. The first is associated to the energy-time uncertainty, and the second depends on the Hubble function. The results are in agreement with space-time quantization on the expected length orders, according to quantum gravity theories and experimental constraints on LIV.