In this paper, we have performed a comparative study of different types of oscillating dark energy (DE) models using the Metropolis algorithm of Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Eight different oscillating parameterizations are examined herein that have demonstrated considerable ability to fit the overall cosmological observations, including the Pantheon sample of Type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmic chronometer Hubble data, and distance priors of the Planck cosmic microwave background. In order to compare the consistency of these models with observations, we have used both the Akaike and deviance information criteria. Although the values of the Akaike information criterion for different models indicate that there is no support for oscillating DE models, the deviance information criterion showed that there is significant support for some of these models. Our results showed that these models are capable of solving the cosmic coincidence problem and alleviating the Hubble tension. Comparing the H
0 values obtained for different oscillating scenarios with that of ΛCDM, we observed that our oscillating models led to
, which is 0.29 greater than H
0,Λ and thus reduces the Hubble tension. Among all of the models, model 1, with H
0 = 70.00 ± 0.71, is the most capable of alleviating the H
0 tension. Furthermore, we examined our models assuming H
0 = 73.0 ± 1.4 from SHoES measurements. We find that adding this data point to our data combination led to a
increase in the H
0 value for different models.