time resolution will no longer be limited by the total length of the resonator but only by that of one half-period, without any deterioration of the achievable wavelength resolution. An appealing feature of this novel concept is that in principle both of these resolutions can be changed not only separately but also almost instantaneously by purely electronic means, provided an appropriate, inevitably rather complex circuitry is used for this purpose. In recent years we have developed several prototypes of neutron spin resonators with independent elements, able to be operated in such a traveling-wave mode. The first experimental tests at the 250 kW low flux TRIGA research reactor of our university in Vienna could be performed only with a dichromatic beam of thermal neutrons delivered from 1 st and 2 nd order (002)-reflection of a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) monochromator. Nevertheless these experiments allowed us to improve the resonator performance step-by-step from one prototype to the next and to demonstrate that our proposed concept is indeed useful for flexible neutron beam property tailoring. The most advanced of these prototypes, named MONOPOL 3.1, was designed and optimized for installation at the PF2-VCN beam line at the high-flux reactor of the ILL Grenoble, where it could be tested for the first time with a 'white' neutron beam, in this specific case of very cold neutrons. Since the basics of our traveling-wave concept of spatial spin resonance have already been published 39-42 , in what follows we will focus on the description of the essential constructional features of this resonator prototype and on the results of the first experiments. Details of the dedicated electronics which we have developed to run MONOPOL will be described in a forthcoming paper.