Building sector is contributing to the 36% of the C02 emissions in Europe, and consurning the 40% of final energy consurnption. In this context this paper presents a new approach developed under the ENCOURAGE project to carry out the user awareness. The proposed user awareness is based on a set of KPls, and done at two levels: energy mangers and university campus users. The KPfs are displayed to the energy managers using a web-platform. With that information energy managers are able to identify actions and control algorithms to reduce the energy consun1ption. In the other hand, the university campus users awareness it is done sending messages to the user through the Twitter platform. A set of messages are defined, andan algorithm decides which messages have to be published in each moment. The aim is to promote good practices in the use ofpublic buildings.
fNTRODUCTIONBuildings worldwide consume more than 20% of total energy produced (Pérez-Lombard et. al 2008). In Europe nearly 40% of final energy consumption and 36% of the green house emissions are in the buildings (EC 2013), and is expected that this percentage is bound to increase (Gangolells et. al 2012).According to the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (201 O), residential buildings comprise the largest portion ofthe European buildings stock (75%) and they are responsible for 68% of the total final energy use in buildings. In the other hand, Nonresidential buildings account for the remaining 25% ofthe total stock in Europe, being responsible for 32% ofthe total final energy use in buildings.Within this context, the need for achieving high energy and greenhouse gas emissions savings in the buildings sector has been widely advocated. In this way, the ENCOURAGE project aims to develop embedded intelligence and integration technologies that will directly optimize energy use in buildings and enable active participation in the future smart grids and achieve 20% of energy savings. The overall strategic objectives defined in the ENCOURAGE project are: a) Jncrease energy efficiency at device-level, building-leve!, district-level; b) Effective in-teraction with externa] actors; c) Effective monitor-ing and control; d) Good user comfort levels; e) Economic optimization; f) Raise awareness.The primary application domains of the EN-COURAGE project are non-residential buildings and campuses, but the project has relevancy al so to residential buildings and neighborhoods. This paper presents the experiences ofENCOURAGE project in the UPC 637 campus demonstrator, whose challenges focus on the energy efficiency improvement in buildings. lt is intended to increase university campus users and building managers' energy awareness by means of an energy information platform that will provide to the users detailed figures about the carbon footprint, the energy consurnpticm and the energy costs derived from their own activities in the campus.Although energy efficiency is a central target for energy policy and a keystone for sustainable development, an accurate enough...