Abstract-Refactoring is used to improve deteriorated software design, code and their maintainability. In objectoriented (OO) code, before refactoring is performed, its opportunities must be identified and s everal approaches exist this regard. Among the approaches is the software metric-based approach where quality software met rics are used. Therefore, this paper provide analysis of existing emp irical studies that utilized software metrics to identify refactoring opportunities in OO software systems. We performed a co mprehensive analysis on 16 studies to identify the state-of-the-practice. The focal point was on the workings, refactoring activ ities, the programming language and the impact on software quality. The results obtained shows approaches were not unique, each was designed either for a single refactoring activ ity or couple of them, move method and extract class dominated th e refactorings activities, and most approaches were fu lly automated while few were semi-auto mated. Moreover, OO met rics p layed acritical role in both opportunities detection and factoring decisions. Based on the results, it would be beneficial if generic refactoring approach is developed that is capable of identifying needs for all refactoring activities.