Recently, a metastable thermal-chemical convection model was proposed to explain the African Superplume. Its bulk tabular shape remains relatively stable while its interior undergoes significant stirring with low-velocity conduits along its edges and downwelling near the middle. Here, we perform a mapping of chemistry and temperature into P and S velocity variations and replace a seismically derived structure with this hybrid model. Synthetic seismogram sections generated for this 2D model are then compared directly with corresponding seismic observations of P (P, P CP, and PKP) and S (S, S CS, and SKS) phases. These results explain the anticorrelation between the bulk velocity and shear velocity and the sharpness and level of SKS travel time delays. In addition, we present evidence for the existence of a D'' triplication (a putative phase change) beneath the down-welling structure.core-mantle boundary ͉ DЉ T he large-scale structure of the lower mantle has been well resolved by global tomography, with a belt of high seismic velocity along the circum-Pacific and two large low velocity provinces (LLVPs) beneath South Africa and the mid-Pacific. The fastest regions appear to contain a sharp positive velocity jump associated with a phase-change from perovskite (PV) to postperovskite (PPV) (1), whereas the slowest regions contain a ␦V S /␦V P ratio Ͼ2.5 and an anticorrelated bulk sound velocity V and shear velocity V S (2, 3). Although both LLVPs show these properties, their interior structures appear to differ, with the Pacific anomaly showing more complexity compared with the apparently monolithic African anomaly (4, 5). Tomographic studies of the African structure reveal a large-scale feature that extends throughout the lower mantle. Predicted SKS delay patterns up to 3 s for some of these tomographic models fit the observations at the South African seismic array well except for magnitude and sharpness (Fig. 1), where the data require Ͼ6-s offsets (5, 6). Note that the SKS ray paths cross the core-mantle boundary (CMB) interface at relatively steep angles and their abrupt change in delays require nearly vertical walls to separate the normal Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM) from the anomalous structure denoted by the heavy green lines in Fig. 1b (reviewed in ref. 5). Such a structure with its sharp sides is suggestive of thermo-chemical convection containing a density increase (7).
Metastable SuperplumeThe fate of a dense chemical basal layer in a convecting mantle has a well developed history. The results from Christensen (8) and McNamara and Zhong (9), involving dense piles, look similar to the LLVPs in tomographic locations and appear compatible with the history of subduction. Stabilized by an intrinsically larger density (⌬ ch ), the pile will remain at the CMB until exceeded by a thermal density with opposite sign (⌬ th ). However, if there is a difference in compressibility between the material within the plume compared with ambient mantle, then metastable conditions are possible. Tan and Gurnis (10...