Let M be a closed oriented 4-manifold, with Riemannian metric g, and a spin C -structure induced by an almost-complex structure ω. Each connection A on the determinant line bundle induces a unique connection ∇ A , and Dirac operator D A on spinor fields. Let σ : W + → Λ + be the natural squaring map, taking self-dual spinors to self-dual 2-forms.In this paper, we characterize the self-dual 2-forms that are images of self-dual spinor fields through σ. They are those α for which (off zeros) c 1 (α) = c 1 (ω), where c 1 (α) is a suitably defined Chern class. We also obtain the formula:Using these, we establish a bijective correspondence between: {Kähler forms α compatible with a metric scalar-multiple of g, and with c 1 (α) = c 1 (ω)} and {gauge classes of pairs (ϕ, A), with ∇ A ϕ = 0}, as well as a bijective correspondence between: {Symplectic forms α compatible with a metric conformal to g, and with c 1 (α) = c 1 (ω)} and {gauge classes of pairs (ϕ, A), with D A ϕ = 0, and ∇ A ϕ, iϕ R = 0, and ϕ nowhere-zero}.