The biosensors based on transcription factors (TFs) are widely used in high throughput screening of metabolic overproducers. The unsatisfactory performances (narrow detection and dynamic ranges) of biosensors limit their practical application and need more improvement. In this study, using the TF LysG (sensing lysine) as an example, a biosensor optimization method was constructed by growth-coupled screening of TF random mutant libraries. The better the performance of the biosensor, the faster the strain grows under screening pressure. A LysGE15D, A54D, and I164V-based biosensors were obtained, which were about 2-fold of the control in the detection and dynamic ranges. A lysine high-producer was screened effectively using the optimized biosensor with the production at 1.51 ± 0.30 g/L in flasks (2.22-fold of the original strain). This study provided a promising strategy for optimizing TF-based biosensors and was of high potential to be applied in the lysine high-producers screening process.