The “degree adverb + noun” constructions in modern languages are widely used in people’s oral communication with novel forms, rich connotations, economy, humor, and fun. We select representative literary works from English and Chinese in the 20th century as the research corpus, and use regular expressions to count the results of the corpus search for English-Chinese “degree adverb + noun”. The distance-based pattern recognition algorithm figures out how close the feature vectors are to each other and finds constructions that match the pattern “degree adverb + noun” by combining the principle of proximity selection. We analyze the processed “degree adverb + noun” constructions for differences between English and Chinese, based on the retrieval and recognition results. At the same time, the cognitive state and teaching strategies of second language learners of “degree adverb + noun” are further investigated based on the analysis results. The distance-based pattern recognition algorithm in this paper can recognize “degree adverb + noun” constructions with an accuracy of more than 90%, which is about 3.5 times higher than that of the pattern recognition method based on the TFIDF algorithm. Through the analysis, this paper finds that there are differences between English and Chinese languages in terms of noun collocation, semantic basis and realization process, syntactic components, and pragmatic functions of “degree adverb + noun” constructions.