In this paper, an 8th order Upwinding Compact Scheme is derived by using the idea of the nth order polynomial. Also, the dissipation and dispersion analysis of the scheme is obtained by Fourier analysis after getting the wave number of the scheme. When applying the proposed scheme on continuous functions, high order of accuracy is achieved with high resolution due to the properties of compact schemes. The idea of WENO smoothness indicator is used to detect discontinuity locations. To overcome the global dependency issue, which causes problems near discontinuities in compact schemes, the technic of the decoupling system is used to switch into a local dependency in non-smooth regions. In this work, the promise and success of the proposed scheme is verified by gaining high order, high resolution, and non-oscillation from various numerical examples. Additionally, there is a plan to confirm the achievement of the present scheme when applying it to multidimensional flows with shock-turbulence interaction problems from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).