The conformational stability of dimeric globular proteins can be measured by equilibrium denaturation studies in solvents such as guanidine hydrochloride or urea. Many dimeric proteins denature with a 2-state equilibrium transition, whereas others have stable intermediates in the process. For those proteins showing a single transition of native dimer to denatured monomer, the conformational stabilities, AG,(H,O), range from 10 to 27 kcal/mol, which is significantly greater than the conformational stability found for monomeric proteins. The relative contribution of quaternary interactions to the overall stability of the dimer can be estimated by comparing AG,(H20) from equilibrium denaturation studies to the free energy associated with simple dissociation in the absence of denaturant. In many cases the large stabilization energy of dimers is primarily due to the intersubunit interactions and thus gives a rationale for the formation of oligomers. The magnitude of the conformational stability is related to the size of the polypeptide in the subunit and depends upon the type of structure in the subunit interface. The practical use, interpretation, and utility of estimation of conformational stability of dimers by equilibrium denaturation methods are discussed.Keywords: conformational stability; dimeric proteins; equilibrium denaturation Equilibrium denaturation studies have been very useful in understanding the structure, stabilization, and folding of small, monomeric proteins (Tanford, 1968;Pace, 1986Pace, , 1990Timasheff, 1992). The methods for analyzing the energetics of reversible unfolding of proteins by thermal or chemical denaturant techniques (Privalov, 1979;Pace, 1986;Privalov & Gill, 1988) and the conclusions that can be drawn from thorough analysis of a few proteins (Pace, 1986(Pace, , 1990Pace et al., 1990) have been presented. Many of these studies have been done with proteins whose disulfide bonds are intact, but entropic effects of the disulfide crosslinks have also been estimated (Pace, 1990). The range of stabilities calculated for monomers is between 6 and 14 kcal/mol and represents the small difference between multiple noncovalent interactions favoring the folded protein structure and unfavorable entropic terms. Such studies have been particularly useful for analysis of packing forces in protein interiors (Alber & Matthews, 1987;Matsumura et al., 1988), the testing of the globular folding of mutant proteins (Fersht et al., 1992), and the functional interaction of residues (Carter et al., Reprint requests to: Kenneth E. Neet, Department of Biological Chemistry, UHWChicago Medical School, 3333 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064; e-mail: 1984). However, application of similar techniques to oligomeric proteins has, until recently, been less common, despite the potential for providing additional information on subunit interactions. Classically, the kinetics of folding pathways have been used to determine the relationship of folding to activity of oligomeric pro...