In the paper we present a new family of biorthogonal wavelet transforms and the related library of biorthogonal symmetric waveforms. For the construction we used the interpolatory discrete splines which enabled us to design a library of perfect reconstruction ÿlter banks. These ÿlter banks are related to Butterworth ÿlters. The construction is performed in a "lifting" manner. The di erence from the conventional lifting scheme is that the transforms of a signal are performed via recursive ÿltering with the use of IIR ÿlters. These ÿlters have linear phase property and the basic waveforms are symmetric. The ÿlters allow fast cascade or parallel implementation. We present explicit formulas for construction of wavelets with arbitrary number of vanishing moments. In addition, these ÿlters yield perfect frequency resolution. The proposed scheme is based on interpolation and, as such, it involves only samples of signals and it does not require any use of quadrature formulas. ?