The primary objective of postquantum cryptography (also known as quantum-resistant cryptography) is to develop the cryptographic systems that need to be robust against both quantum and classical computers, and can also interoperate with the existing communications protocols and networks. In an Internet of Things (IoT) environment, the communicated messages contain sensitive information that are transmitted over an open channel, where message integrity and data privacy become challenging tasks. Although several traditional cryptographic security protocols can be applied for IoT security and data privacy, such as authentication, access control, key agreement, and digital signature, but they are not resilient against quantum attacks. To overcome these issues, in this article, we first present an advanced and efficient construction of postquantum lattice-based signcryption scheme, and then apply the constructed lattice-based signcryption in IoT applications, where data sensed by the deployed IoT smart devices is securely stored at the cloud, via the gateway nodes (aggregators). The data stored at the cloud servers cannot be even modified by them due to the involved signatures generated by the aggregators. The formal security analysis shows the robustness of our designed lattice-based signcryption scheme. Other detailed information security analysis and a performance analysis with the traditional number-theoretical based public key cryptosystems show the efficacy, and significantly better security and functionality features of the proposed scheme under the lattice-based postquantum context.
INTRODUCTIONCloud computing becomes the next growing step in the Internet based computing paradigm. It offers delivering "Information and Communications Technology (ICT)" resources as a service. Internet of Things (IoT) is a kind of networking environment where several smart devices (physical as well as virtual objects) can be deployed, which can sense the