We study pentaquark states of both light q 4q and hidden heavy q 3 QQ (q = u,d,s quark in SU(3) flavor symmetry; Q = c, b quark) systems with a general group theory approach in the constituent quark model, and the spectrum of light baryon resonances in the ansatz that the l = 1 baryon states may consist of the q 3 as well as q 4q pentaquark component. The model is fitted to ground state baryons and light baryon resonances which are believed to be normal three-quark states. The work reveals that the N (1535)1/2 − and N (1520)3/2 − may consist of a large q 4q component while the N (1895)1/2 − and N (1875)3/2 − are respectively their partners, and the N + (1685) might be a q 4q state. By the way, a new set of color-spin-flavor-spatial wave function for q 3 QQ systems in the compact pentaquark picture are constructed systematically for studying hidden charm pentaquark states. *