When making a TV program in a studio, care must be taken that the camera does not shoot beyond the boundary of the studio set. In addition, limitations in cost and space for the set must be taken into account. In a virtual studio, on the other hand, we can solve this cost and space problem, but in turn, actors are requested to perform in front of a blue background screen, which is not always an easy task for them. To solve these problems associated with real studios and virtual studios, we have developed a new type of virtual studio called Real Space-based Virtual Studio in which a real space image and virtual space image are combined naturally with no boundary seam. There are two major advantages in using this new virtual-real hybrid system. One is that the actors can concentrate on their role in the real studio sets, and the other is that camera work can be done without worrying about off-screen areas of the set. In the present study, we constructed an omnidirectional image with ultra high-definition features and combined it as a virtual studio image with a real studio image. We have developed an integration system and from the experimentation we have shown that the omnidirectional images and the real studio images can combine smoothly and naturally.