This paper applies techniques from algebraic and differential geometry to determine how to best pack points in real projective spaces. We present a computer-assisted proof of the optimality of a particular 6-packing in RP 3 , we introduce a linear-time constant-factor approximation algorithm for packing in the so-called Gerzon range, and we provide local optimality certificates for two infinite families of packings. Finally, we present perfected versions of various putatively optimal packings from Sloane's online database, along with a handful of infinite families they suggest, and we prove that these packings enjoy a certain weak notion of optimality.the correlation | x, y |; thanks to this relationship, our representation of points in RP d−1 by unit vectors in R d is not problematic. The coherence of an n-packing Φ = {ϕ i } i∈[n] is given byAn n-packing Φ in RP d−1 is optimal if µ(Φ) ≤ µ(Ψ) for all n-packings Ψ in RP d−1 ; such packings necessarily exist by compactness. Optimal packings are called Grassmannian frames in the finite frames literature [71], but we avoid this terminology here for the sake of clarity. Optimal packings in the d = 2 case are trivial: RP 1 is isometric to the circle, and so optimal packings amount to regularly spaced points by the pigeonhole principle [11]. Packing is more difficult in higher dimensions. In [78], Welch introduced a useful lower bound: