“…The reader is also referred to Akama [8] and Almukdad and Nelson [9] for sequential formulations of Nelson's logics. A Kripke semantics for strong negation was developed by Thomason [23]; also see Gurevich [13] and Akama [3,5]. A strong negation model for N − is of the form (W, ≤, w 0 , val , D), where W is a set of worlds with the distinguished world w 0 such that for all w ∈ W : w 0 ≤ w; ≤ is a reflexive and transitive relation on W × W , val is a three-valued valuation assigning 1 (true) or 0 (false), −1 (undefined) to the atomic formula p(t) at w ∈ W with parameter t ∈ D(w) satisfying:…”