Outstanding service quality is vital to the success of service organisations, including barbeque restaurants. The current study examined the influence of quality control of service operations on perceived service quality and its dimensions (comprising tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) among barbeque restaurants in Kiambu County. Data were collected from 112 managers of barbeque restaurants using a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations were used to summarise the sample profile and respondents' responses about the study constructs. Inferential analysis comprising simple linear regressions was used to examine the influence of quality control of service operations on perceived service quality. Quality control of service operations was found to have a significant positive influence on the overall perceived service quality (β = 0.856, t = 14.624, p = .000). Quality control of service operations was also found to significantly predict tangibility (β = 0.616, t = 6.904, p = .000), responsiveness (β = 0.760, t = 10.339, p = .000), assurance (β = 0.822, t = 12.764, p = .000), empathy (β = 0.787, t = 11.281, p = .000), and reliability (β = 0.706, t = 8.795, p = .000). Operators and owners of barbeque restaurants need to focus on quality control of service operations as doing so will boost the overall service quality.