This research wants to investigate Vietnamese consumers'�attitude toward H&M brand, visual merchandising and their purchasing behavior�since visual merchandising in fast fashion has been considered to be one of the most strategic marketing tools among others.�Quantitative research method was employed by distributing online questionnaire to collect data from Vietnamese consumers living in Ho Chi Minh city.�Two hundred and two survey participants were�18 years old or older, visited H&M stores in the past 6 months, and bought H&M products over the past 12 months. The�results showed that there were positive relationships between attitude toward H&M visual merchandising and brand attitude�(r�=�0.58)�as well as between attitude toward H&M visual merchandising and instore purchasing behavior�(r�=�0.57).�Nevertheless, although having a preference for international fast fashion brand, Vietnamese consumers' impulse purchasing behavior was limited�(M�=�2.88)�due to their perception about H&M products as expensive, not affordable, ones.�To buy H&M products, Vietnamese consumers would take a high-involvement decision-making process, including searching for information and evaluating alternatives, as well as engaging in high level of rationality.�In order to improve brand image boost sales, it is suggested that H&M brand should invest and enrich its website's content, collaborate with various opinion influencers, and utilize Vietnam's iconic symbols in visual merchandising.