Despite an increasingt rend of serviceu seri nvolvement in psychiatric research, few studies involvingt he recipientso fs ecurec are, or individualsw ithl earning disability, were identified. It wasa rgued that service usersw ithl earning disabilitiesd etainedi nas ecureh ospital setting were an important source of information about the care theyr eceived. It wasp redicted that thisg roup would provideav alid and useful account of theire xperiences and that concerns would be raisedi ns imilar areas to thoset hat haveb een reported in other groups of service users. Thesei ncluded concerns relating to environmental conditions, therapeutica ctivities, qualityo fa vailablei nformation about care,a nd concerns relating to livingwithothers.Seven service usersc ompleted as emi-structured interviewa bout their experiences of the care thatt heyr eceived. Data were analysed usingc ontent analysis in order to deriveaseries of keyt hemes whilst acknowledging the individualityofparticipants'experiences.Themes were identified relating to twoa reas:D etention and Treatment. Findings supported predictions that individuals with learning disabilityc ouldg ive valid views about theirt reatment. Therew as overlapb etween the findings of this research and previous studies consideringv iews of mentalh ealth/forensic and learning disabled service users.