One of the tasks of land use optimization is to exclude low-quality, unprofitable for agriculture land from active agricultural use. Preliminary it is advisable to carry out an indicative assessment of the volume of possible cultural and reclamation activities. Obviously, if the area of unused plots does not exceed 10% of the area of the crop rotation field, then we can limit ourselves to the localization of these sites, without resorting to special soil-improving measures. In the case when the area under cultivation reaches 30% of the treated area, it is necessary to conduct a special survey of these lands with the subsequent development of the soil improvement program. With the size of unused plots of more than 30% of arable land area, it is necessary to develop land reclamation projects and to determine the sources of capital investments for these purposes, or to make a decision to transfer this arable land to other lands, possibly not of agricultural use. At the same time, it is possible to reorient such sites to more economically, environmentally and socially efficient areas. The creation of new agricultural enterprises is associated with the need to attract large investment resources, which the industry currently does not have. At the same time, negative processes can be mitigated by optimizing land use. The structure of acreage is one of the most flexible elements of the system of agriculture and is closely connected with the system of crop rotation. To assess the suitability of soils in the formation of crop rotations, it is necessary to use their agroecological classification.