The shark-fin test was modified to convey the clinical application of a single-step/double-mix technique assessing the behavior of two viscosities applied at one point in time. A medium and light body polyether (PE), a medium and light body polyvinylsiloxane (PVS), and a medium as well as heavy and light body vinyl polyether silicone (PVXE) impression material were analyzed solely, and in a layered mixture of 1:1 and 3:1 at working times of 50, 80, and 120 s. The fin heights were measured with a digital ruler. The wettability was measured 50 and 80 s after mixing by drop shape analysis. The results showed a synergistic effect of the medium and light body PE. This was not observed in PVXE and PVS. Interestingly, PVXE showed an antagonistic flow behavior in 3:1 mixture with medium body. PVXE was more hydrophilic than PE and PVS. Future rheological studies should clarify the detected flow effects.