Studies carried out in contact centres present worrying results in relation to the organizational commitment of their employees, which leads to high levels of absenteeism and turnover. However, the covid 19 pandemic demanded physical and social distancing for workers, which led to companies recommending flexible work models. These changes contributed to a strong growth in teleworking and hybrid models, which have been debated in the literature as generators of employees' greater satisfaction and organizational commitment. In this sense, this study aims at exploring the level of organizational commitment (affective, calculative and normative) in the contact centre sector in the post--pandemic period, in which hybrid work models gained greater importance and to analyse the relationship between these three levels of commitment and age and seniority. A quantitative methodological approach was employed through a questionnaire survey applied to a sample of 400 respondents. Findings allowed to conclude that the level of organizational commitment in the three dimensions is similar among workers in the contact centre industry soon after the pandemic period, and positive correlations were found between affective commitment and normative commitment, as well as between calculative and affective commitment. Furthermore, findings demonstrated that levels of organizational commitment vary according to age groups. Regarding seniority, the three levels of commitment are higher for employees who work at the company for 2-3 years.