During the monolayer assembly of zeolite microcrystals using sonication with stacking (SS) method, the factors that govern the degree of close packing (DCP) between the microcrystals, the rate of attachment (rA) of microcrystals onto the substrate, the degree of coverage (DOC), and the binding strength (BS) between each crystal and the substrate were investigated for each mode of binding linkage (MBL). The tested MBLs were covalent linkage (CL), ionic linkage (IL), and polyelectrolyte-mediated ionic linkage (p-IL). Unlike the monolayers of zeolite crystals assembled on glass with a covalent linkage, the strong BS, very high DOC, and very high DCP do not decrease during monolayer assembly on glass through ionic linkages. This results indicate that the surface migration of crystals undergo linkage-nondestructively when crystals were attached to the substrates through ionic linkages.