We investigate the transport properties of graphene underneath metal to reveal whether the carrier density in graphene underneath source/drain electrodes in graphene field-effect transistors is fixed. The resistance of the graphene/Ni double-layered structure has shown a graphene-like back-gate bias dependence. In other words, the electrical properties of graphene are not significantly affected by its contact with Ni. This unexpected result may be ascribed to resist residuals at the metal/graphene interface, which may reduce the interaction between graphene and metals. In a back-gate device fabricated using the conventional lithography technique with an organic resist, the carrier density modulation in the graphene underneath the metal electrodes should be considered when discussing the metal/graphene contact.
1.IntroductionGraphene is attracting great attention as an alternative material for future high-speed field-effect transistors (FETs) because of its remarkably high carrier mobility. 1 Contact resistance, however, limits the device performance of graphene FETs. [2][3][4][5] To improve the contact resistance, a rigorous understanding of the graphene/metal interface is crucial.Because of its monatomic, two-dimensional structure, graphene is highly sensitive to its environment. In the contact region, the properties of graphene are influenced by the contacting metal. Because of the work function difference between graphene and metals, charge transfer takes place at the interface, resulting in electrical doping in graphene. A photocurrent study has confirmed that this doped region extends hundreds of nanometers from the contact region toward the channel region because of the considerably long screening length resulting from the small density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level. 6 Moreover, the asymmetry in the resistance as a function of the gate voltage is reported to result from the p-n junction formation near the metal electrode. 7 So far, Fermi level of graphene is assumed to be fixed relative to the Dirac point (DP). 6,8 In addition to the charge doping effect, the energy-band alteration in graphene in contact with metals has been considered. A theoretical analysis suggests that the graphene/metal interface can be classified into two groups, an adsorption group (e.g., Au, Ag, Pt) and a chemisorption group (e.g., Ni, Co, Pd). 9,10 At the chemisorption interface, it is predicted that the distance between the metal and graphene is shorter than the interlayer distance in graphite and that the d-orbitals of the metal are strongly hybridized with the p z -orbitals of graphene, 11 resulting in the destruction of the band structure and an increase in the DOS in graphene. The main difference between adsorption and chemisorption metals is the degree of filling in the d-orbitals, which determines the stability of the antibonding states in the hybridization because a large number of electrons in the antibonding states destabilizes the hybridization. 11 Experimentally, the band structure of graphene grown on a Ni substr...