The accurate control of the gap between static and rotating components is vital to preserve the mechanical integrity and ensure a correct functioning of any rotating machinery. Moreover, tip leakage above the airfoil tip results in relevant aerodynamic losses. One way to measure and to monitor blade tip gaps is by the so-called Blade Tip Clearance (BTC) technique. Another fundamental phenomenon to control in the turbomachines is the vibration of the blades. For more than half a century, this has been performed by installing strain gauges on the blades and using telemetry to transmit the signals. The Blade Tip Timing (BTT) technique, (i.e. measuring the blade time of arrival from the casing at different angular locations with proximity sensors) is currently being adopted by all manufacturers as a replacement for the classical strain gauge technique because of its non-intrusive character.This paper presents a novel magnetoresistive sensor for blade tip timing and blade tip clearance systems, which offers high temporal and high spatial resolution simultaneously. The sensing element adopted is a Wheatstone bridge of Permalloy elements. The principle of the sensor is based on the variation of magnetic field at the passage of ferromagnetic objects. Two different configurations have been realized, a digital and an analogue sensor. Measurements of tip clearance have been performed in an high speed compressor and the calibration curve is reported. Measurements of blade vibration have been carried out in a dedicated calibration bench; results are presented and discussed.The magnetoresistive sensor is characterized by high repeatability, low manufacturing costs and measurement accuracy in line with the main probes used in turbomachinery testing. The novel sensor has great potential and is capable of fulfilling the requirements for a simultaneous BTC and BTT measurement system.