Inhibition is one of the core concepts in Cognitive Psychology. The idea of inhibitory mechanisms actively weakening representations in the human mind has inspired a great number of studies in various research domains. In contrast, Computer Science only recently has begun to consider inhibition as a second basic processing quality beside activation. Here, we review psychological research on inhibition in memory and link the gained insights with the current efforts in Computer Science of incorporating inhibitory principles for optimizing information retrieval in Personal Information Management. Four common aspects guide this review in both domains: 1. The purpose of inhibition to increase processing efficiency. 2. Its relation to activation. 3. Its links to contexts. 4. Its temporariness. In summary, the concept of inhibition has been used by Computer Science for enhancing software in various ways already. Yet, we also identify areas for promising future developments of inhibitory mechanisms, particularly context inhibition.the interference due to distracting stimuli or actions is analyzed in experimental paradigms that try to tap a specific form of cognitive inhibition. For example, in the Negative Priming task (for a review, Frings, Schneider, & Fox, 2015) it is typically analyzed how an irrelevant distractor stimulus is inhibited. In the cuing task that elicits the inhibition of return effect (Posner, Choate, Rafal, & Vaughn, 1985) it is typically analyzed how an irrelevant location is inhibited. In task switching (Kiesel et al., 2010) lowering competition by a just previously performed task while currently executing a novel task is achieved by inhibiting that previous task. Finally, in the go-no-INHIBITION IN COGNITIVE AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 3 go-task prepotent motor responses have to be inhibited (e.g., Logan & Cowan, 1984).While the results from inhibition research in attention and action control has clear implications for applied research (e.g., implications for traffic behavior), the purpose of this article is to link the concept of inhibition in Cognitive Psychology to the concept of inhibition in Computer Science. By definition this type of inhibition is thus concerned with inhibiting representations of informationin other words this article focuses on inhibition in memory. Our approach also focuses on output variables as to understand inhibition, that is, we look at human and artificial representational systems and how input variables or internal processes can be modulated by making information already represented in the system less accessible thereby enhancing output performance. For this conjoint approach we thus look at inhibition from a behavioral perspective.Yet, we should right from the start acknowledge that the concept of inhibitionpartially because it is used in so many different areas of researchwas often subject to a heated debate (see e.g., volumes by Dagenbach & Carr, 1994;Brainerd & Dempster, 1995;Gorfein & MacLeod, 2007). Researchers argue for decades whether cognition can be explained and ...