has proven an invaluable asset to me. Fellow violist and scholar David Bynog, from Rice University, has often steered me in the direction of much-needed sources, as well as kindly granted permission to use edition of Fricker's Fantasy for Viola and Piano in this document. Music historian Christopher Husted also shared generously about his time as a personal friend of the Fricker family, and helped fan the flame of my curiosity about Fricker's music. Also, the librarians at University of California, Santa Barbara Library, in particular Daisy Muralles, who scanned many pages of primary materials for me. My gratitude also goes to the head of Special Collections at UCSB, Mr. David Seubert, for graciously granting the necessary permissions. And finally, my heartfelt gratitude goes to my essay committee for their critiques of this document. In preparing this document I have benefited greatly from their insights.