Various physical processes that ensue within protoplanetary disks -including vertical settling of icy/rocky grains, radial drift of solids, planetesimal formation, as well as planetary accretion itself -are facilitated by hydrodynamic interactions between H/He gas and high-Z dust. The Stokes number, which quantifies the strength of dust-gas coupling, thus plays a central role in protoplanetary disk evolution, and its poor determination constitutes an important source of uncertainty within the theory of planet formation. In this work, we present a simple model for dust-gas coupling, and demonstrate that for a specified combination of the nebular accretion rate, Ṁ , and turbulence parameter, α, the radial profile of the Stokes number can be calculated uniquely. Our model indicates that the Stokes number grows sub-linearly with orbital radius, but increases dramatically across the water-ice line. For fiducial protoplanetary disk parameters of Ṁ = 10 −8 M /year and α = 10 −3 , our theory yields characteristic values of the Stokes number on the order of St ∼ 10 −4 (corresponding to ∼mm-sized silicate dust) in the inner nebula and St ∼ 10 −1 (corresponding to ∼few-cm-sized icy grains), in the outer regions of the disk. Accordingly, solids are expected to settle into a thin sub-disk at large stellocentric distances, while remaining vertically well-mixed inside the ice line.