“…A study with transesophageal echocardiography of patients after LAA closure demonstrated the incidence of patent LAA was 29% after staple exclusion, while no patients with patent LAA after staple amputation. 115 A randomized comparison of internal ligation, stapled excision, and surgical excision of LAA demonstrated high incidences of incomplete closure after internal ligation (43%) and of residual LAA stump after stapled excision (25%) or surgical excision transesophageal echocardiography and cardiogenic thromboembolisms occurred in 0.25 patients per 100 patient-years during an average follow-up period of 24 months without anticoagulant therapy. 122 The incidence of ischemic stroke was 0.78 patients per 100 patient-years after a total thoracoscopic ablation with LAA closure using a stapler or a clip.…”