showed an abscess-forming bronchopneumonia affecting the left lower lobe and a purulent tracheobronchitis.One small secondary tumour 1.5 cm. in diameter was present in the right lobe of the liver. No other significant abnormalities were noted. The eyes were not removed, but vision had apparently been normal. Histologically, both the polypoid oesophageal tumour and the liver secondary were melanomata (Fig. 540). The cells, which were mainly irregularly oval and discrete, were arranged in an alveolar fashion in most parts of the tumour. Fine brown pigment was present in many of the cells in the darker part of the tumour, and some very marked accumulations of pigment were found in large round cells situated in and around the alveolar structure. A considerable amount of melanin was present in the loose subepithelial connective tissue of the oesophagus adjacent to the tumour pedicle.W e wish to thank Mr. A. M. Macarthur, Thoracic Surgeon, St. Helier Hospital, for allowing us to publish this case.