Website desa berguna untuk memberikan informasi terkait pengenalan potensi yang ada di dalam desa tersebut. Desa Bandung memiliki potensi yang cukup besar dalam pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Bandung juga masuk dalam salah satu wilayah prospek industri. Namun, berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara terkait penggunaan website hasilnya pengetahuan masyarakat ataupun staff kelurahan mengenai penggunaan website masih sangat kurang, Oleh karena itu, penyebaran informasi dari desa melalui website belum pernah dilakukan. Tujuan program kerja pengembangan dan pelatihan Website desa sebagai media digital. Setelah pembuatan dan pelatihan website dilaksanakan didapati bahwa adanya peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan para staff desa Bandung dalam penggunaan dan pengelolaan website desa tersebut. Selain daripada itu, ketertarikan para staff untuk mempelajari website desa lebih mendalam terjadi, mereka mengharapkan agar pelatihan lanjutan diberikan dikemudian hari oleh team. Dengan adanya program kerja pengembangan dan pelatihan Website desa sebagai media digital Informasi pengenalan potensi desa Bandung diharapkan para staff atau operator website desa bisa lebih memaksimalkan pengelolaan website desa Bandung Kedepan nya.
The village website is useful to provide information related to introduction of potential in the village. Bandung Village has considerable potential in the economic development of the community, Bandung Village is also included in one of the industrial prospect areas. However, based on observations and interviews related to the use of the website, the result is that the knowledge of the community or village staff regarding the use of the website is still very lacking, the dissemination of information from the village through the website has never been carried out. The purpose of the village website development and training work program as a information. After the training of the website was carried out, It was found that there was an increase in the understanding and skills of Bandung village staff in the use and management of the village website. In addition, the interest of staff to learn more about the village website in depth, they hope that further training will be provided in the future by the team. With the work program of developing and training village websites as digital media Information on the introduction of Bandung village potential, it is hoped that village website staff or operators can further maximize.