In this work, a new CE method with diode array detection (DAD) was developed for the monitoring and quantitation of flavonoids in different beans treated and untreated with UV-B radiation. Flavonoid concentration was monitored in UV-B-treated and untreated sprouts of three common beans (Zolfino ecotype, cv. Verdone, cv. Lingua di Fuoco) and one soybean (cv. Pacific). After acid hydrolysis of extracts, the CE-DAD method provides reproducible quantitative determinations of daidzein, glycitein, genistein, and kaempferol at ppm level in these natural matrices within a relatively short time (less than 16 min). Total flavonoid content determined by CE-DAD was 159 +/- 8, 26 +/- 2, 13 +/- 1, and 1.3 +/- 0.3 microg/g fresh weight for untreated sprouts of Pacific soybean, Verdone bean, Zolfino bean, and Lingua di Fuoco bean, respectively. UV-B treatment caused no significant quantitative effect on Pacific soybean sprouts, whereas it enhanced the total isoflavone content by 1.5, 1.8, and 3.2-fold in Verdone, Zolfino, and Lingua di Fuoco beans, respectively. The proposed method shows (i) the potentialities of bean sprouts as a natural source of bioactive compounds (antioxidants); (ii) the technological role of UV-B treatment for sprout isoflavone enrichment; and (iii) the good capabilities of CE-DAD to monitor this process.