The present investigation first compared endorsement of stigmatizing beliefs and attitudes toward mental illness (onset responsibility and courtesy stigma) among South Asian Americans (n = 52), East Asian Americans (n = 52), and European Americans (n = 64), then tested associations between cultural mechanisms, education in psychology, and endorsement of mental illness stigma. Although South Asian Americans showed greater endorsement of courtesy stigma compared with European Americans, endorsement of onset responsibility did not vary across the three ethnic-cultural groups. Further, although higher endorsement of traditional Asian values was associated with both higher onset responsibility and courtesy stigma, these associations were moderated by ethnic group, and were significant only for European Americans. On the other hand, higher endorsement of interdependent self-construals was associated with lower courtesy stigma, but these associations were also moderated by ethnic group, and were significant only for South Asian Americans. Finally, education in psychology was associated with negative onset responsibility, but not courtesy stigma.