METHODS: Precedent studies were searched with the search term "ICF" or "international classification of functioning, disability and health" from the databases of RISS, KISS, DBpia, and Pubmed. The inclusion criteria are that the studies have been carried out in Korea from 2015 to 2020 using ICF by researchers consisting of one or more Koreans and have been peer-reviewed.
RESULTS:Of the total 269 studies, 107 that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. It was found that these studies were published at a similar frequency each year. The most common area of expertise was identified as the clinical area (n = 67), followed by special education (n = 21) and social welfare (n = 13). The study subject groups were mostly patients (n = 39), disabled people (n = 25), and related experts (n = 13). The most common research topic was functioning †Corresponding Author : Ju-Min Song