We consider the time (number of communication rounds) and energy (number of non-idle communication rounds per device) complexities of randomized leader election in a multipleaccess channel, where the number of devices n ≥ 2 is unknown. It is well-known that for polynomial-time randomized leader election algorithms with success probability 1 − 1/ poly(n), the optimal energy complexity is Θ(log log * n) if receivers can detect collisions, and it is Θ(log * n) otherwise.Without collision detection, all existing randomized leader election algorithms using o(log log n) energy are Monte Carlo in that they might fail with some small probability, and they might consume unbounded energy and never halt when they fail. Although the optimal energy complexity of leader election appears to have been settled, it is still an intriguing open question whether it is possible to attain the optimal O(log * n) energy complexity by an efficient Las Vegas algorithm that never fails. In this paper we address this fundamental question.A separation between Monte Carlo and Las Vegas algorithms: Without collision detection, we prove that any Las Vegas leader election algorithm A with finite expected time complexity must use Ω(log log n) energy, establishing a large separation between Monte Carlo and Las Vegas algorithms. Our lower bound is tight, matching the energy complexity of an existing leader election algorithm that finishes in O(log n) time and uses O(log log n) energy in expectation.An exponential improvement with sender collision detection: In the setting where transmitters can detect collisions, we design a new leader election algorithm that finishes in O(log 1+ǫ n) time and uses O(ǫ −1 log log log n) energy in expectation, showing that sender collision detection helps improve the energy complexity exponentially. Before this work, it was only known that sender collision detection is helpful for deterministic leader election.An optimal deterministic leader election algorithm: As a side result, via derandomization, we show a new deterministic leader election algorithm that takes O n log N n time and O log N n energy to elect a leader from n devices, where each device has a unique identifier in [N ]. The algorithm is simultaneously time-optimal and energy-optimal, matching existing Ω n log N n time lower bound and Ω log N n energy lower bound.
IntroductionLeader election is one of the most central problems of distributed computing. In a network of an unknown number n of devices communicating via a shared communication channel, the goal of leader election is to have exactly one device in the network identify itself as the leader, and all other devices identify themselves as non-leaders.Leader election has a wide range of applications, as it captures the classic contention resolution problem, where several processors need temporary and exclusive access to a shared resource. Leader election is also used to solve the wake-up problem [GPP01, New14], whose the goal is to wake-up all processors in a completely connected broadcast system, in ...