Movement of an entity is greatly affected by its internal and external contexts. Such consequential influence has created new paradigms for context-aware movement data mining and analysis. The significance of incorporating contextual information and movement data is becoming quite evident because of the growing interest in context-aware movement analysis. Despite such importance, there is limited consensus among researchers on the definition of context and context-aware system design in movement studies. Therefore, this paper comprehensively reviews current concepts of context and provides a definition and a taxonomy for context in movement analysis. The paper proceeds by providing a definition of context-aware systems in the movement area after a complete review and comparison of the present definitions present in the literature. Inspired by related works, the paper further suggests a holistic three-layer design framework tailored to context-aware systems in movement studies to examine in greater depth the techniques applied during the design stages. The paper outlines the challenges and emergent issues in future research directions in context-aware movement analysis. The present study is an attempt to bridge the gap between solely using context and developing context-aware systems, thus paving the way for further research in movement applications. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
How to cite this article:WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov 2018Discov , 8:e1233. doi: 10.1002Discov /widm.1233
INTRODUCTIONM ovement is intrinsically a continuous phenomenon and is normally recorded as discrete snapshots at different temporal resolutions. The three fundamental sets pertinent to movement are space S (i.e., set of locations/places), time T (i.e., set of instants/intervals), and object O (i.e., set of entities). 1 In this paper, by movement we mean the change in the spatial location of one or more entities (e.g., people, animals, and vehicles) over time, not a change in entities' geometries (e.g., an individual's body parts). Such changes can be represented as a function μ: T ! S, which maps any time to a location in space. The purpose of analyzing movement data in the majority of research fields (e.g., geography, ecology, sociology, and transportation) has focused on the development of insights into the behavior of moving entities. However, the movement behavior of entities is generally associated with their internal states and external factors. 2 In other words, understanding entities' movement greatly depends on recognizing the characteristics attributed to the entity itself (e.g., the entities' purposes and intentions for movement, the entities' perceptions of space) as well as the discovery of geographical circumstances during the movement (e.g., weather conditions and traffic). We, respectively, term these influential variables internal and external contexts in this paper.
of 19Because of the progress in sensing, imaging, tracking, and navigation technologies and infrastructures in recent years, unprecedented amount...