This paper presents a systematic literature review on context-awareness using activity recognition for mitigation of disasters. Disaster preparedness and the method of mitigating it or reduction of causalities are very important in order to save human lives. The review process went through four phases which are: planning, collation, filtration of dataset to get the most relevant materials, exploration and the description based on findings was carried out. The problem with the existing studies are: technology used lack the capacity to give feedback to potential victims, inability to move 178
F.I. Sadiq et al.the technology around, high false negative alarm, low sensor quality for crowd behaviour monitoring. This study used smartphones which is handy and has potential of being carried about. The analysis of the result was presented under three major headings which are publication by year, techniques, results and findings. The result shows the research gap in the area of disaster mitigation and the further study suggests the need to extend context-aware framework for stampede prediction based on activity recognition accuracy used in the previous study.