“…Two calponin homology domains (CH1 and CH2) form a classical actin-binding domain (ABD) essential for neuronal morphogenesis (Alves-Silva et al, 2012;Jefferson, Leung, & Liem, 2004;Kodama, Lechler, & Fuchs, 2004;Lee & Kolodziej, 2002b;Leung, Sun, Zheng, Knowles, & Liem, 1999). The plakinhomology domain (six to nine spectrin-like repeats and an SH3 domain embedded in the 5th repeat) links to transmembrane collagens and β4 integrin in BPAG1e (Aumailley, Has, Tunggal, & Bruckner-Tuderman, 2006;Koster, Geerts, Favre, Borradori, & Sonnenberg, 2003) and mediates compartmentalization of transmembrane proteins in fly neurons (Bottenberg et al, 2009). The spectrin/dystrophin repeat rod domain likely acts as spacer or in dimerization (Bottenberg et al, 2009;Leung et al, 1999;Machnicka et al, 2014;R€ oper, Gregory, & Brown, 2002).…”