Non-stabilizer eigenstates of Clifford operators are natural candidates for endpoints of magic state distillation routines. We provide an explicit bestiary of all inequivalent non-stabilizer Clifford eigenstates for qutrits and ququints. For qutrits, there are four non-degenerate eigenstates, and two families of degenerate eigenstates. For ququints, there are eight non-degenerate eigenstates, and three families of degenerate eigenstates. Of these states, a simultaneous eigenvector of all Clifford symplectic rotations known as the qutrit strange state is distinguished as both the most magic qutrit state and the most symmetric qutrit state. We show that no analogue of the qutrit strange state (i.e., no simultaneous eigenvector of all symplectic rotations) exists for qudits of any odd prime dimension d > 3.