This article reports on the integration of personal and career counseling to promote sustainable development and change. An explorative, descriptive, instrumental, single-case study approach was followed. Qualitative and quantitative data collection strategies were used to collect data, and an integrative career construction counseling intervention was conducted. The intervention comprised, first, elicitation of the participant's micro-and meso-career-life stories; second, integration of these stories into a coherent macro-story, with the participant's authorization of the narrative; and, third, co-construction by the participant and the counselor of action steps to facilitate action and forward movement. Integrating personal and career counseling helped to address the participants' deep-seated personal needs while simultaneously addressing his career counseling needs. Longitudinal, qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research is essential to determine the value and importance of integrating personal and career counseling. This study contributed to expanding the research on interventions that integrate personal and career counseling, promoting the development of sustainable career-life projects.Sustainability 2018, 10, 4176 2 of 16 in the first place. Here, we agree with Savickas [8,11] and others who maintain that career counseling is, by definition, personal counseling.From a psychological perspective, sustainability and sustainable development [12,13] relate to promoting strengths that will improve people's chances to enjoy decent and meaningful lives [2,14,15]. This perspective can be linked to a primary prevention perspective [16], which stresses the importance of constructing a healthy life (both personally and professionally) through timely counseling interventions. From an ecological and socioeconomic as well as individual perspective, the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development [12,13] aims to improve people's quality of life generally. Advanced counseling interventions can promote reflection and reflexivity on what constitutes actual sustainability for people. Actual sustainability here refers to people's core goals, interests, and values. Ultimately, the goal is to promote sustainable career-life projects and inspire successful actions and positive change [17].This paper is articulated as follows. Theories about personal counseling, life design counseling principles, integrated use of two instruments to promote career counseling are delineated; rationale for the study and goals of the study are provided; method, outcomes of the quantitative part of the assessment, outcomes of the qualitative part of the assessment, discussion, advice for counselors contemplating this type of intervention, limitations, recommendations for future research, and conclusion are presented.