As some scholars have argued for a distinct conceptualisation of breadwinning and for understanding breadwinning as a form of care, this study addresses parents' constructions of breadwinning and its connections to care. It is based on an in-depth interpretive analysis of multiple-perspective, qualitative longitudinal interviews with 22 Austrian mothers and fathers from three points in time during their transition to parenthood. The analysis revealed four different types of breadwinning concepts by considering the jointly constructed meaning of mothers' and fathers' paid work within a parental couple and further relied on Tronto's [(1993). Moral boundaries. A political argument for an ethic of care. New York, NY: Routledge] conceptualisation of care as a four-step process. The results indicate that respondents construct a clear difference between earning money and breadwinning. Additionally, a difference is made between breadwinning and taking care of the family's subsistence, predominantly so for mothers. In conclusion, breadwinning can definitely be considered a form of care and thus a form of involvement in parenting, but it cannot be regarded a form of involvement in caregiving. The holistic picture of parents' joint constructions enabled us to contribute to the existing conceptualisations of breadwinning and of parental involvement, thus providing a novel perspective on matters of gender equality.
RESUMENEl presente estudio retoma investigaciones que exigen una definición clara del concepto del sustento (= breadwinning) y de un entendimiento más amplio de sustento que incluye también el cuidado. El foco está tanto en las dimensiones del trabajo renumerado como en la dimensión del cuidado en la construcción parental de paternidad. Se basa en un análisis hermenéutico de entrevistas cualitativas -desde una perspectiva multilateral -y longitudinales hechas a 22 madres y padres austríacos que fueron encuestados en tres momentos durante la transición hacia la paternidad. Este análisis se basa en el concepto de Tronto (1993) del cuidado como proceso de cuatro etapas y lo tenía en cuenta en las estructuras del significado conjuntamente construídas sobre el trabajo renumerado de la madre y del padre. Se averiguaron This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.CONTACT Eva-Maria Schmidt COMMUNITY, WORK & FAMILY, 2017 cuatro diferentes tipos de sustento. Los resultados indican que los entrevistados construyen diferencias muy claras entre ganar dinero y el sustento. Las construcciones diferencian entre el sustento y el cuidado por el bienestar económico de la familia, especialmente con respecto al trabajo renumerado de la m...