Use of technology (e.g., Internet, cell phones) to allow remote
implementation of incentives interventions for health-related behavior change is
growing. To our knowledge, there has yet to be a systematic review of this
literature reported. The present report provides a systematic review of the
controlled studies where technology was used to remotely implement financial
incentive interventions targeting substance use and other health behaviors
published between 2004 and 2015. For inclusion in the review, studies had to use
technology to remotely accomplish one of the following two aims alone or in
combination: (a) monitor the target behavior, or (b) deliver incentives for
achieving the target goal. Studies also had to examine financial incentives
(e.g., cash, vouchers) for health-related behavior change, be published in
peer-reviewed journals, and include a research design that allowed evaluation of
the efficacy of the incentive intervention relative to another condition (e.g.,
non-contingent incentives, treatment as usual). Of the 39 reports that met
inclusion criteria, 18 targeted substance use, 10 targeted medication adherence
or home-based health monitoring, and 11 targeted diet, exercise, or weight loss.
All 39 (100%) studies used technology to facilitate remote monitoring of
the target behavior, and 26 (66.7%) studies also incorporated technology
in the remote delivery of incentives. Statistically significant intervention
effects were reported in 71% of studies reviewed. Overall, the results
offer substantial support for the efficacy of remotely implemented incentive
interventions for health-related behavior change, which have the potential to
increase the cost-effectiveness and reach of this treatment approach.