Iri ;I I2-\veck study 01' I2 chronic heniodinlysis patients with recurrent in t rad i a I y t i c hypo t e nsi on, midodrinc (2.5-7.5 m g PO '9': hr prctl i ii I y si s ) r;i i sed i nt radi al y t i c mean iirtcrial pressure ( M A P ) (iiiciiii. 6 1 to 8 I mm Hg) ( I 1. lowest intix1i;llytic MAP (51 t o 63 nini Hg) and postdialysis MAP (69 to 85 niiii Fig). In addition. intl-udialytic I'luid rcplaceinent fell 36% and \y in ptom s a n d hi g n s of h y poke ii s ion I'eII 62'1 -03% with midodrine therapy.