DL-␣-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) causes polyamines of the AIDS-associated opportunistic pathogenPneumocystis carinii to diminish 15 times more rapidly than mammalian host cells. The proposed mechanism was that, unlike mammalian cells, P. carinii is unable to regulate polyamine catabolism when synthesis is blocked. To test this, the responses of the polyamine catabolic enzymes spermidine/spermine acetyltransferase (SSAT) and polyamine oxidase (PAO) were determined using a new high-performance liquid chromatography assay to measure the products of these enzymes. The specific activities in untreated Pneumocystis carinii were 1.78 ؎ 0.5 pmol min ؊1 mg protein ؊1 for SSAT, similar to mammalian cells, and 6.42 ؎ 0.8 pmol min ؊1 mg protein ؊1 for PAO, 19% of that of mammalian cells. DFMO treatment for 12 h caused reductions of only 11 and 4% in SSAT and PAO, respectively, despite polyamine reductions of 94, 96, and 90% for putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, respectively. The P. carinii SSAT K m value of 25 M spermidine is 20% of that of mammalian cells, and the PAO K m value of 14 nM N 1 -acetylspermidine is 0.01% of that of mammalian cells. Acetylated polyamines continue to be lost from P. carinii even when exposed to DFMO. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that P. carinii is unable to regulate polyamine catabolism.Polyamines are small molecular weight, positively charged compounds that are ubiquitous in all living cells. The most important polyamines are putrescine, spermidine, and spermine. Although much of the evidence is indirect, it is clear that polyamines play many important roles in cell growth and differentiation (1-3). Consequently, inhibition of polyamine synthesis, as well as other means of manipulating polyamine concentrations, has been used as therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases.The most commonly used compound for manipulating polyamine metabolism is difluoromethylornithine (DFMO, 1 eflornithine, Ornidyl ® ). DFMO is an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, an enzyme that catalyzes the first step in polyamine synthesis and is rate-limiting. Thus DFMO can completely block de novo polyamine synthesis. This drug is currently approved for treatment of human African sleeping sickness (4) and has been used as an investigational drug for cancer chemotherapy and for treatment of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), the most common opportunistic infection associated with AIDS. DFMO is effective against PCP, in an animal model (5) and in patients (6). Although clinical trials showed this drug to be less effective than drugs already approved, it was also less toxic (7). Animal studies, however, demonstrated that continuous infusion of DFMO greatly enhances the anti-PCP activity as compared with the intermittent dosage obtained by inclusion of the drug in the drinking water (8). The activity of DFMO against PCP demonstrates that polyamine metabolism is a valid therapeutic target for this disease. A better understanding of P....