A computational tool so called the "EKP-postprocessor" has been developed to calculate space/time distributions of self-potentials caused by electrokinetic coupling resulting from histories of underground conditions (pressure, temperature, vapor saturation, concentration of dissolved species, etc.) computed by unsteady multi-dimensional geothermal reservoir simulations (Ishido and Pritchett, 1999). This forward calculation technique enables us to incorporate self-potential monitoring data into history-matching studies to improve mathematical reservoir models. In addition to history-matching studies, the EKP-postprocessor can be applied to various problems related to subsurface fluid flow in volcanic areas, sedimentary basins, etc. and characterization of the transport properties of reservoir-forming rocks. In this paper, the results of numerical simulation studies using the EKP-postprocessor to appraise the utility of a combination of pressure and self-potential transient data to characterize fractured reservoirs are presented.