The O'Connell process is a softened version (a geometric lifting with a parameter a > 0) of the noncolliding Brownian motion such that neighboring particles can change the order of positions in one dimension within the characteristic length a. This process is not determinantal. Under a special entrance law, however, Borodin and Corwin gave a Fredholm determinant expression for the expectation of an observable, which is a softening of an indicator of a particle position. We rewrite their integral kernel to a form similar to the correlation kernels of determinantal processes and show, if the number of particles is N , the rank of the matrix of the Fredholm determinant is N . Then we give a representation for the quantity by using an N -particle system of complex Brownian motions (CBMs). The complex function, which gives the determinantal expression to the weight of CBM paths, is not entire, but in the combinatorial limit a → 0 it becomes an entire function providing conformal martingales and the CBM representation for the noncolliding Brownian motion is recovered.