SummaryPresent,ed is a mathematical model for tjhe continuous-flow steady-state bacterial cultiire which permits the experimental determination of carbon transfer rates within the system by use of radioactive t>racer techniques. The transfer raies are specific for hydraulic loading raies, feed concentrations, type of organism, and siibstrate, and were incorporat,ed witliin t,he existing theoretical description of the growth kinetics in order to clncidate the yield relationships. The carbon transfer rate of cells to soluble organic sitbstrate was observed to exhibit a minimum value at or near diliition rate D = 0.5 hr.-l. A maximum effective yield coefficient, Y , was observed at, the same value of D. At dilution rates greater and less than D = 0.,5 hr.-l, the cell-substrate iransfer rat,e increased, and effective yield coefficient, was observed to decrease. The former showed increases of 50-200%, and t,he latker exhibited decreases of the order of 10%. The magnitude of these variat,ions would seem to be significant in industrial fermentation processes which nt,ilize continuous microbiological cultnres. In light of these findings, the results of other researchers were shown to exhibit, maximum effective yield a t similar diliition rat>es or process loadings.